I did all of these while maintaining 0 kills: Use it as reference to what is possible before you enter the Monastery (missions within the monastery have been marked with bold cursive text). Not all of these tracked toward the achievement. Here's list of every Main Quest, Side Quest and Activity I had completed when I got the achievement. The main tip here: Don't come clean with your intentions until a few days into the quest. Be extra careful when in the Monastery main quest as there's quite a few Side Quests and Activities there that you can miss very easily. There's also some branching quests that depending on your choices will lead to different quests. Talk to people and sometimes the conversation will lead to new side quests that wasn't marked on the map. Some side quests doesn't even have a star. Look for stars (quest givers) and exclamation marks (activity givers) and talk to all Innkeepers whenever you pass by to see if they know of anyone needing help. If you do that there might not be enough quests to complete to get this achievement - as Side Quests and Activities (many of those count too) - may come and go during the course of the game. That's the only real advice I can give: Don't rush through the Main Story and assume that you can do the Side Quests afterwards. Prior to that I had been very thorough to complete all Side Quests and activities that I could find and trigger. completed the Main Quest "A Needle in a Haystack". This unlocked for me just as I left the Monastery, i.e. I hope this is a great start for you all, This'll take more effort than myself to confirm everything. I have no information if "Gallows Brothers" is essential or not, but based on the rough numbers above, I think the game will allow you to fail one without affecting you negatively toward completionist. These two quests are WAY too buggy right now to confirm anything, and the only way through them right now is to follow my Judas solution, or to steal the money and split it with Matthew and Fritz. You can find a solution to get completion for both, but the game will not fault you for failing one or the other. I'm not sure if the game fully intends for you to complete both "Gallows Brothers" and "A Rock and a Hard Place".
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The other free +1 I think might come during the quests outlined above in my Judas solution. I can't confirm, and I'm not replaying the game on an alt account to find out. Then my theory is you should be safe to get this achievement without doing a single side quest within the monastery and only the bare minimum to progress the main quest. So bare minimum, you'll get your +1 for completing the story quests, but you miss out on the (what my guess right now is) optional side quests in the monastery. Likewise during the main quest, I speculate the game may account for a player mucking up the monastery quest line and not doing ANY of the Side Quests within the monastery. But failing "Hare Hunt" is not a detriment as the game expects this outcome. If there is a way to complete both, I think this would give you a +1 toward the required 80 quests complete. The outcome here as far as I know is you complete one and fail the other. The Poachers are actually the good guys and required to side with them for the Master Huntsman achievement anyways.ĭoing so fails "Hare Hunt, but completes "Sheep in Wolf's Clothing". The first major choice is made between side quests "Hare Hunt" and "Sheep in Wolf's Clothing" where you side with the guards of Huntsman Nicholas Angel or the Poachers. I think the trigger is around 70 quests finished for completionist to unlock, as I unlocked it after completing main quest "Out of the Frying Pan". If we're to believe the list linked below, there is 30 main quests and 56 side quests: There may be a small room for error, but only if you've done things a certain way, which I will try to explain below, but can't confirm due to bugs. This is probably missable if you fail a quest for any reason. The Secret Achievement achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance worth 106 points Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement